Rafael Alfaro

by Vicki Heisser  |   

Since graduating from Valdez High School last year, Rafael Alfaro has continued to love learning.  He has expanded his knowledge of Alaska through PWSC’s outdoor leadership program and by working as a production assistant for Seed Media.  

Outdoor leadership has exposed Alfaro to activities like kayaking, rock climbing and ice climbing.  Before these experiences he considered himself an “Alaskan introvert” explaining, “...probably the biggest reason as to why I'm taking these courses is because my family didn't do any of this stuff.”  Alfaro greatly values his instructor Benjamin Rush who demonstrates enthusiasm for his classes, his students, and all the outdoor activities.  Alfaro shared, “I think… he's just an interesting person to listen to and talk to…I really like his classes, they're really thought-out and you can see he really does care about both his classes and his students and also what he does. Because he himself likes doing all these things.”

Alfaro has learned video production skills and been exposed to the business side of his community working for Seed Media creating commercials and instructional videos.   

Though Alfaro is keeping busy with his job at Seed Media and his courses as PWSC, he is continually thinking about his future – which includes possibly transferring to University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and building a tiny home. 

Alfaro shares, “If I decided to go to UAF, I can drive there [and] not pay for housing… I don't really have any background in building stuff. But I have a friend who knows a lot about that stuff, and so he could help me build it and I would learn.”

Learning is something Alfaro loves to do – whether it’s in the editing room at Seed Media, in the classroom at PWSC, or adventuring in the outdoor leadership program. And no matter what life brings him, his mantra remains, “If you get pushed down, get up.”