Andrew Bradley

by Vicki Heisser  |   

PWSC outdoor leadership student Andrew Bradley is getting an opportunity to put some of his training into practice during his internship at Providence Valdez Extended Care Center. Working as an activities and nurse’s assistant, Bradley, “love[s] working in health care and helping others. This is a great job, and I am so honored to be working for them.” He continues, “This internship is something I really enjoy doing. Some of my responsibilities include assisting the residents. Whenever a resident needs help, I assist them in any way I am allowed… if they ask me for assistance, then I can help them. I am allowed to help with moving the residents around and whatnot.”

Beyond helping residents directly, Bradley is also using his education in his position. He shares, “As the activities assistant, I have used some of the skills that I have learned through my outdoor leadership program, specifically through the Recreation Program Planning and Evaluation class. That class has helped me throughout my job in activities planning and time management. We throw all kinds of parties and play games with the residents to provide social interaction. We take them out for walks and drives; to get them outside and moving around.”  

For Bradley, this internship has been a rather rewarding experience that will serve him well in the future.  He notes, “What I take away from this internship is a better understanding of health care, the need for training and requirements, learning how to work with others in tough situations, program planning and evaluation, safety procedures and precautions, and much more.”