Student Life

  • Go to college in Alaska!

    Prince William Sound College is located in beautiful Valdez, Alaska. In Valdez, students have ample opportunities to recreate in the mountains or on the ocean. Your journey starts here! Let us know that your interested in attending PWSC and we'll send you more information.

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Student infront of a glacier in Alaska


Join a welcoming community on campus and off!

We are a tight-knit community, both in town and on-campus. At PWSC, you can enjoy small classroom sizes as well as faculty and staff who are dedicated to your success. There are countless resources and unique opportunities available here in Valdez. PWSC students get to live and study in a dramatic natural setting. Oceans, mountains, rivers, and glaciers will give any adventure seeker an opportunity to explore. Valdez is located on the magnificent Prince William Sound, a fjord formed by retreating glaciers. Behind the town is the Chugach Range, where Keystone Canyon and Thompson Pass provide access to breathtaking waterfalls, hanging glaciers, and mountain hiking trails.

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PWSC Student Programs

On campus PWSC hosts programming for students to help foster the student community:

Tasty Tuesday: Every Tuesday PWSC staff and students gather to enjoy a tasty home-made meal in the PWSC Commons area on the Valdez Campus. 

Student lead activities: In collaboration with the Resident Advisors, student activities are held every semester. These activities may include: outdoor adventures like a hike, bonfire/BBQ, trips to the Valdez Glacier Lake, or indoor events like movie night or group dinners

Notice of AvailabilityAnnual Security and Fire Safety Report

  • Notice of Availability: Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
    The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available online at:  The report contains information regarding campus safety and security including topics such as: campus law enforcement authority; crime reporting policies; campus alerts (Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications); fire safety policies and procedures; programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking; the procedures the University will follow when one of these crimes is reported; and other matters of importance related to security on campus. The report also contains information about crime statistics for the three most recent calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in On-Campus Student Housing Facilities; in Noncampus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University or a recognized student organization; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus.  The report also contains fire statistics for any fires occurring in an On-Campus Student Housing Facility during the three most recent calendar years.  If you would like to receive a paper copy of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, you can stop by the UAA Police Department Office at Room 114 of Eugene Short Hall on the Anchorage campus or request a copy be mailed to you by calling 907-786-1120 or emailing  You may also stop by the UAA Dean of Students Office in Room 122 of Rasmuson Hall on the Anchorage campus or request a copy be mailed to you by calling 907-786-1214 or emailing