Governance & Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning
The governance committees are charged each year with developing planning documents for their respective areas. Included in the planning documents are recommendations to be submitted for prioritization. Academic and non-academic programs are charged each year to produce program reviews. Included in the program reviews are recommendations to be submitted for prioritization. The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) collects and prioritizes recommendations received from governance committees. The IEC then produces a report of prioritized recommendations for the college director.
The college director and the cabinet review the governance committee planning documents, program reviews, and the IEC prioritization report. The information from these documents are used to develop strategic goals, division goals, and committee charges.
Governance Committees
- Academic Planning and Curriculum Committee
- College Council
- Enrollment Management
- Facilities Committee
- Institutional Effectiveness Committee
- Student Body Government
- Technology Committee
Operational Committees
- Academic Affairs:
- Library Committee
- Developmental Education Committee
- Continuing Education Committee
- Student Affairs:
- Student Appeals Committee
- Campus Life Committee
- Scholarship Committee
- Administrative Services:
- Safety Committee