Carrie Abruzzo

by Vicki Heisser  |   

While living in Guam, Carrie Abruzzo found out she and her husband, who is in the Coast Guard, were relocating to Valdez, Alaska. Contemplating the move, Carrie began thinking about work, recreation, and education. She explains, β€œI was looking around trying to figure out what kind of job I wanted to do. I saw that Valdez is really focused on the outdoors and it got me excited to pursue AAS in outdoor leadership (ODL) at PWSC. I really enjoyed being outside the entire time I was in Guam. It really opened my eyes to how much there is to do outside and created that desk aversion in me, where I knew I would never go back to a typical nine to five jobs.”
Carrie recently participating in her first sea kayak class shared, β€œIt was one of the most amazing things I've ever done. The 360 degrees view of the mountains is unbeatable.”