Welcome to the fourth installment of the Prince William Sound Anthology series, *In a Northern Land Far, Far Away: Fantasy Literature from Prince William Sound, Alaska*.

by Vicki Heisser  |   

Welcome to the fourth installment of the Prince William Sound Anthology series, *In a Northern Land Far, Far Away: Fantasy Literature from Prince William Sound, Alaska*. This collection features fantasy fiction and poetry from local writers, including Dennis Humphrey, Don Bickley, Kerra Apolo, Kyle Walker, and R.R. Anthony.

Don Bickley, one of the contributing authors, shared the following:

"I've always enjoyed writing, but not bothering with jumping through the hoops trying to convince someone I may never meet that my ideas or creativity is valid and should be published, so publishing my writing has been a low priority. With this class, and publishing being guaranteed, it took a while to figure out what kind of story I wanted to tell and then how to tell it. I opted for a story that tries to reconcile our infinite imagination with the pervasive and inescapable reality of violence. The fantasy element allows these intense stories to be understood in a way that is sometimes more efficient than non-fiction because the storyteller, who has all of the control and all of the responsibility, controls your suspension of disbelief for as long as the reader can give that. There will be different degrees of suspension, though, as varied as the people who do and do not believe in aliens, God, ghosts, the afterlife, round planets, etc."

Dr. Dennis Humphrey has collaborated with students at Prince William Sound College on three other books:

- *The Goods Are Odd Up North: Blended Genre Literature*
- *Astounding! Tales of the North: Prince William Sound Science Fiction*
- *Once Upon a Time in the North: Fairy Tales from Prince William Sound, Alaska*

All royalties from book sales will be donated to PWSC. You can purchase this book and others on Amazon. Link: https://www.amazon.com/Northern-Land-Far-Away-Literature/dp/B0DHQQBT67?ref_=ast_author_dp&th=1&psc=1

Thank you for supporting our community of writers! Happy reading!