Join us for Sam's Celebration of Life

by Jessica Young, collective UAA Writers  |   

Dear PWSC community,

We are deeply saddened by the passing of our beloved team-member Sam Foist-Swart. 

Sam was the residence life and housing manager at PWSC and she was an essential part of our community in many ways. She often went above and beyond her role to support students and staff at the college. She gave much of her time to others and was a spear-head to many volunteer and civic activities that benefited the greater Valdez community. She volunteered her time and talent to local nonprofits including the Sound Wellness Alliance Network, Valdez Food Bank, and Advocates for Victims of Violence. 

Sam worked tirelessly to advance the mission of the university and PWSC and believed that the goal of providing higher education across the state was critical in making Alaska a better place to live. 

The loss of Sam has affected us all deeply. We will never forget her bright spirit and positive energy, and the news of her passing reaches beyond our city and campus. By coming together, mourning, talking, and remembering the positive impact Sam had on us, we will persevere through this challenging moment and honor her memory.

Please join us for a celebration of her life on Wednesday, Nov. 16 at the Kelsey Dock from 5:30-8 p.m.

In lieu of flowers, we ask that you donate to The Trevor Project for suicide prevention in LGBTQ+ individuals or Advocates for Victims of Violence in Valdez, both organizations near to her heart and values.