The 33rd Annual Valdez Theatre Conference, June 7-14, has announced 2025 VTC Play Lab Selections
by Dawson Moore |
The 33rd Annual Valdez Theatre Conference, taking place from June 7 to June 14, has announced the selections for the 2025 VTC Play Lab.
Below is the list of 61 plays that have been invited to present in the Play Lab at the 2025 Valdez Theatre Conference. Notably, three international playwrights from the UK and Canada have also been invited.
The largest geographic source of writers is New York, which has 19 contributors. California follows with eight writers, while Illinois has six, primarily from Chicago. Interestingly, Alaska is represented by eight writers from various locations, including Anchorage, Homer, Fairbanks, Kenai, and Valdez. Additionally, writers from 13 other states contribute to the mix.
This list will be updated regularly as more individuals commit or decline. There are also eight alternate selections that may be included if there is space available in the schedule.
John Adams’ Some Specter (Overland Park KS)
Brianna Allen & the Momologue Collective’s Momologues (Homer AK)
Brysen Boyd’s A naked man in his early 80s stands in the center of the stage (Seattle WA)
Jake Brasch’s Trip Around the Sun (New York NY)
Paul Braverman’s Plan Z (Freemont CA)
Eleanor Burgess’ The Ingenue (Brooklyn NY)
John Busser’s Hanging on for Near Life (Avon OH)
Christine Benvenuto’s 750% (Shutesbury MA)
Connor Casey’s Under the World Tree (Montpelier VT)
DC Cathro’s Lang Noir (Chicago IL)
Myles Chandler’s Obligation (Los Angeles CA)
Allison Reeger Cook’s Tower: From the Major Arcana Archives (Lake Stevens WA)
Tim Crawford’s Faith Lester is Married, comma, Happily (Springfield IL)
Kara Lynn Davidson’s Welcome to Happiness (Chicago IL)
Emma Durbin’s overgrown (Chicago IL)
Evan Edwards’ Stand Naked in the River of Shame (Astoria NY)
Daniel Emlyn-Jones’ Lady Olympia’s Legacy (United Kingdom)
Eleanor Evans-Wickberg’s He’s Not Like That (Brooklyn NY)
Cherielyn Ferguson’s A Girl Who Acts Like That (Piedmont CA)
Thea Belle Flanzer’s Scouts (Quogue NY)
Heidi Franke’s The Menacer (Valdez AK)
Erik Gernand’s Prayer Circle (Chicago IL)
Dante Giannetta’s Fit Together (New York NY)
David Adam Gill’s In the Garden of the Hesperides (Brooklyn NY)
Maximillian Gill’s Corrector (New York NY)
Franky D. Gonzalez’ Happy Together (Frisco TX)
Atar Hadari’s Waiting for Morrison (United Kingdom)
Jon Herbert’s God Sighs (Winston-Salem NC)
Rachel Heron’s Reformer (New York NY)
Cassie J. Jeremias’ Take My Advice (Anchorage AK)
Ali Keller’s (un)conditional (New York NY)
Kevin King’s Welcome to Herbalicious (Kansas City MO)
Nina Kissinger’s I Wasn’t Planning on Saying Anything (Brooklyn NY)
Heidi Kraay’s Take Me Away (Boise, ID)
Eric Lane’s Critters (Woodside NY)
Shanice Lawton’s What Happened to Angela? (Anchorage AK)
Francis Madi’s The Box (Queens NY)
Melissa Maney’s HUNGRY WOMEN (Belle Mead NJ)
Helen Cheng Mao’s Happy Anniversary, Sweetie! (Olney MD)
Aleks Merilo’s TEOTWAWKI (Tacoma WA)
Danielle E. Moore’s Merely Players (New York NY)
Tom Moran’s When To? (Fairbanks AK)
Jessica Moss’ Thank You For Your Order (Toronto ON)
Marjorie Muller’s HypergaMater (Chicago IL)
Phanésia Pharel’s DEAD GIRL’S QUINCEAÑERA (San Diego CA)
Leah Plante-Wiener’s Tilly Birdbones (Brooklyn NY)
Beth Polsky’s LUCY (Santa Monica CA)
Charlie Probus’ Guilty Pleasure (Durham NC)
Kate Rich’s The Creel (Homer AK)
Kristen Ritter’s The Land of Shakespeare (Anchorage AK)
Greg Romero’s Jean Yeets Her Hawaiian Shirt into the Ocean (Houston TX)
Kathryn Ryan’s An Order Of Redemption With A Side Of Fries (Bronx NY)
Steven J. Satta’s The Raft (Perry Bay MD)
Dana Schwartz’ The Grotto (Los Angeles CA)
Fernando Buzhar Segall’s The World’s Most Boring Murder (New York NY)
Sanjit Sengupta’s The Promise (Walnut Creek CA)
John Spellos’ Switcheroo (Montebello NY)
Raleigh Van Natta’s The Shepherd, the Ravens, and the Bear (Kenai AK)
Elijah Vazquez’ KNOT (Orlando FL)
Anna Watts’ Tamara and Dick Look at the Stars (Los Angeles CA)
Lily Welsh’s Manic Pixie Dream Girl (New York NY)
Philip Middleton Williams’ Watercolors (Palmetto Bay FL)