Write a Thank You Statement
Now that you’ve received a PWSC scholarship award letter at your UA email address and read the important terms and conditions, the next step is show gratitude and share your PWSC story with the donors who care enough to help you pay for your education.
Recipients of PWSC Scholarships are required to write a “thank you” statement to the donor(s) of the scholarship.
Guidance on Writing a “Thank You” Statement
Scholarship donors are generous and caring people who unselfishly give to support
the educational endeavors of students like you. They typically ask for nothing in
return, but receiving a well written thank you letter from a student is always special
and lets the donor know that his or her scholarship was greatly appreciated. Your
statement reminds them why they gave in the first place and often helps secure continuing
gifts for future students. Please make sure the letter is free of both grammatical
and spelling errors. You are an important part of the University of Alaska Family,
and the literacy demonstrated in your letter is a reflection on all of us.
Thank You Statement Tips:
- Write clearly and concisely.
- Double-check for typos and grammatical errors.
- Express enthusiasm.
- Be sincere.
- Make it personal; tell why this scholarship is important to you.
- You were awarded a scholarship because your personal qualities and academic abilities stood above all other applicants. Sending a typed thank you letter confirms that this scholarship was important enough to you to take the time to present yourself in a professional manner.
Scholarship Statement Form
Please fill out the Scholarship Recipient form below and share some information about yourself that we can share with our donors.
Please use the tips above when writing your statements. We will then format your information and send it your donor.
If you prefer to write a thank you letter yourself, please consult SAMPLE LETTER 1 and SAMPLE LETTER 2 and send it via mail to:
PO Box 97
AK, 99686
OR you may email your letter to uaa_pwscstudentsrvcs@alaska.edu