Health & Fitness Center presents Healthier Valdez

by Dawson Moore  |   

Healthier Valdez staff at the PWSC Health & Fitness Center

Prince William Sound College is taking over Healthier Valdez (formerly Healthier You) from the City’s Parks and Recreation Department. The college has been actively involved in Healthier You since its inception, and aims to continue growing and refining this important community event.

Began in 2010, Healthier Valdez is a twelve-week program that encourages a holistic and community-based approach to wellness. It challenges participants to approach health from multiple angles. In addition to losing inches and weight, it also addresses physical, spiritual, emotional, and financial wellness. It is completely free to participate

The Healthier Valdez Kick-Off takes place on Saturday, January 27, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Atrium of the Valdez campus. People will be able to register for the program and get a fitness assessment (heart rate, blood pressure, weight, inches). There will also be additional optional assessments, including muscular strength, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory fitness.

The Kick-Off is also where people will be able to pick up their program “passports.” Previously, participants entered points into a computer system for minutes of physical activity, or for attending special events. This year, they will earn “stamps” in their passports by making fitness improvements and attending sponsored health-related.

Sponsored events are overseen by organizations including Parks and Recreation, City Schools, churches, PWSC, non-profits, and local businesses. The events will cover a diverse range of topics.

Program is open to ages five and up. As in previous years, people participate individually, as well as having the opportunity to get three to ten people together on a competitive wellness team.

New Healthier Valdez Coordinator Chloe Whallon moved to Valdez in June from Anchorage, and has also lived in Ketchikan. She is currently working on her personal training certification at the college. For further information on Healthier Valdez, contact Chloe at 834.1684 or