Happy World Ocean Day from PWSC!

by Vicki Heisser  |   

Happy World Ocean Day from PWSC! 

Today, we celebrate our oceans' incredible beauty and importance. We are fortunate to be surrounded by the stunning Prince William Sound, our backdrop and vital to our ecosystem and community.

We are committed to ocean conservation and sustainability. Our unique location provides us with a living laboratory to study marine life, ecosystem dynamics, and the impacts of climate change. Our students and faculty actively engage in research and projects that aim to protect and preserve our precious marine environment.

Join us in honoring the ocean by:

🌐 Participating in local beach clean-ups and conservation projects
📚 Learning more about marine biology and environmental science
🌱 Supporting sustainable seafood choices and reducing plastic use

Together, we can make a difference in preserving the health of our oceans for future generations. Let's make it World Ocean Day every day! 🌏💙