Student spotlight: Brittany Kuzma

by Vicki Heisser  |   

PWSC student Brittany Kuzma is the epitome of determination and persistence. Born and raised in Eagle River, Alaska, Brittany has faced and overcome complex challenges, including a severe brain injury that affected her ability to walk and talk. Through years of rehabilitation and support from family and friends, she persevered and is now in college, focused and thriving.

Brittany is pursuing an Occupational Endorsement in Marine Natural Resources Technician program and is fully immersed in her classes.

Brittany had a great experience last week when she participated in a field trip for the Introduction to Mariculture class. The class, taught by Dr. Melissa Kjelvik, went to Seward and spent four days visiting Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute. During their visit, they learned about kelp farming and other related topics. Brittany was impressed by the expertise and passion demonstrated by everyone present. She even wrote in her journal, "If love and passion could be translated into currency to spend tangibly, the people at APMI would be billionaires."
While transitioning to college has not been without challenges, Brittany finds a nurturing community environment surrounding her.

"One of the things I love about this town is the sense of community... I didn't expect to receive such a warm, welcoming feeling from everyone I've met here. Everyone has been kind and supportive, from the locals to the students, staff, RAs, and faculty. It's the highlight of my experience, making me feel like I'm part of a big family."

Brittany's strength and dedication have helped her flourish at PWSC, and she wants others to know that navigating new experiences can be challenging but worth the effort. For those entering college, Brittany advises that students should "ask questions, remain flexible, show kindness to themselves, and exercise patience."

We're glad you joined our community, Brittany!