PWSC's team of resident assistants and residence life coordinator, are working diligently to build a vibrant and supportive community on our college campus.

by Vick Heisser  |   

As the new semester starts, PWSC's team of resident assistants (RAs) - Issac Stevens, Mahali Santa Ana, and Lydia Worrall-Edie - along with Dr. Dale Jones, the residence life coordinator and housing manager, are working diligently to build a vibrant and supportive community on our college campus.

Lydia shared that they have created a comprehensive plan to bring the community closer, including engaging activities. They organized movie nights and homemade ice cream gatherings to strengthen their bond. Moreover, they've struck a balance by incorporating productivity-enhancing events like study nights alongside fun-filled adventures such as a Halloween-themed spooky hike.

When asked about their training as RAs, they emphasized the diverse range of skills they have acquired, including proficiency in Title IX and conflict resolution. Mahali stressed the importance of gaining hands-on experience and understanding their unique student demographic and the flow of events to ensure their success as RAs. Dale, addressing the challenge of a growing student body and a consistent number of RAs, stresses the importance of inclusivity and reaching out to various student groups.

They aim to ensure everyone feels part of this vibrant campus community by being aware, proactive, and mindful of individual needs. With a positive outlook and a new wave of enthusiastic students, this team is well on its way to creating a thriving and welcoming college environment.
Issac expressed, "My goal is to make this year as memorable as possible for all students. I enjoy working with Mahali and Lydia to make that possible."