PWSC instructors are working with the Alaska Blue Economy Center and the City of Valdez to conduct site assessments for potential kelp and oyster farms in the region.
by Vicki Heisser |
Dr. Amanda Glazier, assistant professor of environmental sciences, and Anthony Gerasch, instructor of marine technology, are working with the Alaska Blue Economy Center and the City of Valdez to conduct site assessments for potential kelp and oyster farms in the region. They collect water samples and data every other week using the PWSC boat and the Site Assessment Toolkit developed at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) to monitor water conditions and the suitability of the sampling sites for farms.
This data will add to the city's contribution to the fast-growing mariculture industry. This work builds on the collaboration between the city, the Alaska Blue Economy Center, and PWSC in pushing mariculture forward in Prince William Sound.
To read more about the UAF and City of Valdez partnership to boost the blue economy, visit UAF, Valdez form partnership to boost blue economy.