Drones have proven to be incredibly useful in the field of environmental science.

by Vicki Heisser  |   

Drones have proven to be incredibly useful in the field of environmental science. Equipped with various sensors, they can collect high-quality data efficiently and cost-effectively. Drones can assist in field research, spatial analysis, environmental monitoring, resource management, natural hazard assessment, climate studies, and the application of the scientific method. Integrating drones in the classroom can engage students, making the subject matter more interesting and providing them with valuable skills.

The use of drones aligns with the systematic acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data, which prepares students for future careers in environmental science, research, or management. In a drone demonstration led by PWSC's Don Bickley, instructional design and technology specialist, students flew drones, practiced maneuvering them, and captured photos of Homestead Beach.