Alaska Adult Education

Pencil and GED test at Prince William Sound College

GED® Testing

PWSC also offers Adult Secondary Education instruction to assist those who did not complete high school. Students can obtain their high school equivalency diploma (GED®) by passing tests in the academic areas of Reading Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math. The GED® diploma is recognized by businesses, industry, civil service departments, licensing bureaus, and institutions of higher learning.

Learn more about GED® Testing at PWSC


Stack of textbooks for tutoring at PWSC

Tutoring and Occupational Development

Continued education and academic support are important components to staying competitive in today’s workforce. ABE provides instruction in foundational academic areas, such as math, reading, writing, science and social studies. Tutoring groups are available during weekdays and evenings to meet the needs of student schedules. One-on-one tutoring may also be scheduled to focus on specific areas of academic need.

Learn more about tutoring and occupational development


English as a second language class at PWSC

English Language Learners

English as a second language (ESL) classes provide necessary and helpful instruction to individuals looking to improve their language skills for career readiness goals or for every day life.

Learn more about ESL classes



Close up of the American flag

Civics and Citizenship 

The Civics and Citizenship course is designed to prepare students for becoming U.S. Citizens. Lessons cover the American Government, American History, and Integrated Civics. The class will prepare students to succeed in all areas of the test, including both the Civics and English portions.


Pearson VUE® Test Center

PWSC offers testing for the GED® and other certification/endorsement assessments through its authorized Pearson VUE® Test Center.

PWSC supports corporate and governmental training departments by providing access to a Pearson VUE® Authorized Test Center. Certification enables people to demonstrate their abilities and professional advancement. Students and employees in technical and specialized fields can benefit from the help of computer-based testing offered at PWSC. Our Pearson VUE® Authorized Test Center gives our students access to hundreds of certifications and qualifications allows them to develop careers and improve their lives.

Questions about Pearson Testing?

Contact Jay Stevens:

PWSC employee Jay Stevens
Jay Stevens
PWSC Academic Affairs Administrative Assistant

The PWSC program is aligned with the Alaska Department of Labor, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, through grants from the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services.

Alaska Adult Education Contact Information

Valdez Campus

For questions on ABE programs in Valdez, Alaska, contact Teresa Barton:

Teresa Barton, PWSC ABE Coordinator
Teresa Barton
PWSC ABE Coordinator
303 Lowe Street
Valdez, AK 99686-1311

Cordova Extension Site

For questions on ABE programs in Cordova, Alaska, contact Susan Harding:

PWSC Cordova, Alaska, Extension Site Coordinator
Susan Harding
Cordova Extension Site Coordinator
100 Fisherman Way
Cordova, AK 99574


Copper Basin Extension Site

For questions on ABE programs in Glennallen, Alaska, contact Katie Bobowski:

placeholder image
Katie Bobowski
Copper Basin Extension Site Coordinator
9998 Aurora Drive
Glennallen, AK 99588-730
907-822-3673 x23