Community Living Standards

The Community Living Standards were developed by On-Campus Living (OCL) to help provide a safe and secure community. Violations that compromise the success, safety, or security of residents may result in appropriate disciplinary sanctions, including housing agreement cancellation, and are considered violations of the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) Student Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities provision in the Student Code of Conduct.

Residential Communities Policies

The Community Living Standards were developed by On-Campus Living (OCL) to help provide a safe and secure community. Violations that compromise the success, safety, or security of residents may result in appropriate disciplinary sanctions, including housing agreement cancellation, and are considered violations of the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) Student Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities provision in the Student Code of Conduct. Residents may report Student Code of Conduct violations by submitting an information report on the Dean of Students website. The development of a successful community requires that students follow community guidelines and processes and approach interactions with honesty and respect.

The Community Living Standards serve in conjunction with the On-Campus Living and Housing Agreement and the Student Code of Conduct. Students are expected to be knowledgeable of all University policies and signed agreements, including, but not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct, the UAA Student Handbook, the Community Living Standards, and the On-Campus Living and Dining Agreement.


Facilities & Safety


Bicycles may be parked in the racks outside each apartment or residence hall, or stored inside residents' apartments. For fire safety reasons, please do not park bicycles on sidewalks, in doorways or stairwells, or at the entrances to buildings. Bicycles locked to or parked by any other structure, such as trees, signposts, building entrances, trash cans, or lobbies, or left for longer than 30 days, may be removed from campus. Bicycles are prohibited inside the main campus building.


Students are allotted one vehicle at housing; families may have up to 2 vehicles. The following are prohibited:

  • Recreational vehicles such as RVs, travel trailers, truck bed campers, mopeds, ATVs, snow machines, or boat trailers 

Moving vans, trailers, and u-Hauls must be moved from the housing parking lot within 48 hours of students move-in. The college is not responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of a vehicle or any of its contents. 


Residents must keep all common areas within their suite or apartment clean and orderly. Individual rooms, suites, or apartments are prohibited from being excessively unclean (i.e. poses a health and/or safety risk, facility damage, pest control issues, etc.). In the event that a student's individual room or common space becomes excessively unclean, OCL reserves the right to go into those spaces for cleaning purposes. If these services are necessary, the student(s) will be charged for the cleaning and/or damages as appropriate, and may face Student Code of Conduct violations. Failure to remove trash and/or recycling to designated trash containers may result in charges to the resident's student account following removal by staff.

Constructing Structures

Residents are prohibited from constructing structures on the residential campus. This includes, but is not limited to, the installation of tents, rock walls, or snow forts. *The only exception to the policy about constructing snow forts is a formal residence life event or educational learning opportunity whereby the appropriate staff members and safety measures are put in place to construct and deconstruct the snow fort. 


The preservation of student housing public areas is the joint responsibility of all residents assigned to a specific area (hall, wing, floor, apartment, stairwell, etc.). Residents are responsible for all damages. If individual responsibility cannot be determined, all residents of a specific room, hall, wing, or building may be held financially responsible. Financial responsibility extends to abandoned belongings, excessive cleaning, and damages. Please see Room/Suite/Apartment Modification and Storage for more details.


Balconies, hallways, windows, doorways, and stairways must have a clear passage at all times, including clear passage to exits within residents’ bedrooms. OCL staff may remove any object obstructing egress from balconies, ledges, or hallways and charge students for that removal. 

Emergency Response

In the event of an emergency, such as incapacitation, inability to independently care for self, or transport to hospital, University personnel may notify a resident's emergency contact or other individuals as deemed necessary. 

Evacuation Procedures

In the event of a fire alarm or fire drill, all residents must evacuate the building, completely and immediately. Residents must remain at least 50 feet away from the exterior of the building in a designated area until the "all clear" signal has been given by the Valdez Police Department, the Valdez Fire Department, or On-Campus Living professional staff members. Interference with or non- compliance with emergency evacuation procedures is prohibited. Residents must exit the building within three (3) minutes of the alarm sounding. Please remember to dress quickly and appropriately for Alaska weather conditions.

Fire Alarms - Resident Initiated

Starting a fire, pulling a fire alarm without due cause, tampering with or disabling smoke detectors, falsely reporting a fire emergency to police, the fire department, or University administrators, and the unauthorized use or damage done to any emergency or safety equipment, are all prohibited. Residents should never leave their cooking unattended. Should your actions set off the alarm, you may be responsible for all or part of a fine for emergency fire services.

Fire Prevention

OCL takes fire prevention seriously. Please abide by the following:

  • Residents are not permitted to hang anything from the ceiling. Items must be stored a minimum of 18 inches from the ceiling.
  • Wall hangings and/or other items cannot block fire suppression equipment.
  • Tampering with pull stations, smoke or heat detectors, fire extinguishers, sprinkler heads, or other life safety equipment is prohibited.
  • Items cannot be hung from sprinklers or pipes.
  • Residents must comply with all recall notices of products stored on the residential campus.
  • Posting flammable materials covering more than one third of the total surface of doors or walls is prohibited.
  • A maximum of three strands of decorative lights can be linked together per electrical outlet.
  • Any organic materials used for decorations (ex. pumpkins/jack-o-lanterns) must be disposed of in a timely manner.
  • Extension cords and surge protectors should be UL listed, not overloaded with plug ins, and should not be punctured. Tethering extension cords and surge protectors together is prohibited.

The following items are prohibited on residential campus:

  • Personal gas and charcoal grills
  • Containers of flammable fuels such as gasoline, kerosene, and propane (outside of small tanks used for quick boil camping grills)
  • Gasoline-powered engines
  • Any open flame source* or flammable liquid
  • Hoverboards
  • Candles (the use of candles for birthdays or religious purposes is permitted if given written permission in advance)
  • Incense and sage burning
  • Halogen lamps
  • Kerosene
  • Open-coil heaters and cooking elements
  • Pressure cookers
  • Hookahs
  • Hot plates
  • Deep fat fryers
  • Electric griddles
  • Toaster ovens
  • Full sized appliances (unless provided by OCL), including, but not limited to, washers, dryers, and freezers
  • Living trees indoors, not to include common house plants

*The only exception to the open flame policy is a contained fire ring used for an event hosted by the Residence Life Staff, whereby the appropriate staff members and safety measures are put in place. 

Hall Sports

Playing sport games in residential buildings, including but not limited to, basketball, bicycle riding, hackysack, Frisbee/disc golf, skateboarding, football throwing, running, Nerf activities, squirt gun/water fights, are prohibited.

Housing Keycard Access and Lockouts

OCL takes student access and safety seriously. The following must be adhered to:

  • Delivering, surrendering, or otherwise relinquishing possession of your Housing keycard (Student ID), temporary room card, hardkey, apartment pincode, or permitting the keycard or hardkey to be duplicated or modified is prohibited.
  • Residents must present their Student ID card upon request of a University official.
  • Lost keycards will be replaced at the current replacement rate for a Student ID identified by the University. Broken key cards will be replaced via work order at no charge only when an identifiable piece of the original card is turned in to the housing office.
  • Allowing another person into the building who is not your guest is prohibited.
  • Students are prohibited from entering restricted access areas unless specifically authorized to do so by OCL staff.

When students misplace or forget their Student ID card, they may gain temporary access to their room in two ways:

  1. Contacting the RA-On-Duty to grant them access into their room
  2. Contact the housing office M-F for scheduling a replacement Student ID card.

Students are permitted two lockouts, free of charge, per semester. Each additional lockout will result in a charge equivalent to the cost of a replacement Student ID card being placed on the student's account.

Kitchen in the Cordova Hall Student Lounge

Students are expected to clean up after themselves when using the kitchen. Failure to do so may result in the loss of kitchen privileges.


Each resident is permitted one ten-gallon tank, for a non-poisonous/venomous freshwater fish. Possession of any other pet, even if the pet is visiting, is prohibited. Should an animal be found in a living unit, the animal will be immediately removed from the premises and the resident(s) responsible may be sanctioned under the UAA Student Code of Conduct and will be charged any removal and/or cleaning costs.

Room/Suite/Apartment Modification, Personal Items, and Storage

OCL allows for room personalization in accordance with the following policies:

  • Residents are not permitted to apply permanent or nonpermanent color (paint) anywhere inside the residence hall rooms and apartments.
  • Personal furniture is allowed, but must be removed upon move-out.
  • University furniture and/or appliances may not be removed from the residence halls, apartments, or any common area at any time.
  • Wall hangings are allowed, but please use removable Command strips or hooks. Do not remove Command strips. Do not use push pins, thumbtacks, tape, or nails as they may damage the walls.
  • Drawing on walls with markers or chalk is prohibited.
  • Personal items left/abandoned in the residential areas will be stored, at the student's expense, for up to 30 days. After that time period, all remaining private furniture and belongings will be disposed of.
  • Installation of air conditioners, partitions, wall-like structures, ceiling fans, wall shelves, hanging lamps, TV wall mounts, or TV/cable antennas or satellites, other non-approved items in residential communities' rooms is prohibited.
  • Personal washing machines, waterbeds, and dartboards are prohibited. 
  • Decorative string lights must be LED.
  • Current residents must provide reasonable storage for incoming residents if there is an unoccupied assignment in their apartment or suite. OCL reserves the right to fill vacant spaces at any time.
  • Residents are not permitted to set up guest accommodations in storage areas. 
  • Residents are not permitted to hang any item from the exterior of any residential building.
  • Residents are not permitted to hang anything on their apartment or bedroom doors. 
  • The University does not assume responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged personal belongings.

Charges will be applied to the responsible student's account for excessive cleaning, wall repairs and painting for excessive wall damage, and/or other maintenance/facility upkeep beyond normal wear and tear. If individual responsibility cannot be determined, all residents of a specific room, hall, wing, or building may be held financially responsible.


Resident safety is a priority. The following policies assist in maintaining safety:

  • Do not prop open apartment/suite doors unless a resident is present in the common area and all roommates agree to the propping. 
  • Do not tape/modify apartment/suite/bedroom doors in order to prevent complete closure.

Solicitation and Posting

The following activities are prohibited:

  • Conducting a private enterprise, whether legal or illegal, including operating a private business using a university address or property of any kind.
  • Promotion and/or advertisement of a private enterprise or event.
  • Door-to-door solicitation within the residence halls or apartment complexes or in public areas without prior written authorization from OCL.

Stairwells, Ledges, Roofs, and Windows

The following must be adhered to:

  • Residents may not place anything (i.e., furniture, satellite dishes, boxes, signs, etc.) on or under the stairwells, roofs, or ledges of University buildings.
  • Students are not allowed on any roof structures. If personal property accidentally lands on a roof (such as a Frisbee, ball, etc.), please request assistance for retrieval from OCL.
  • Removal of and/or damage to the windows, screens, or window locks in rooms or common areas may result in charges to the responsible student's account.
  • Throwing or shooting objects from windows is prohibited.
  • Except in the event of an immediate emergency, bedroom and common area windows within PWSC housing facilities should never be used as an exit or entrance. 
  • Items placed near windows may not be higher than the window sill itself and items placed on the window sill must be easily movable in the event of emergency egress. 
  • Residents must close and lock windows while away from the apartment. Due to high winds, residents should also close and lock all windows to prevent damage. 


The preservation of student housing units is the joint responsibility of all residents. Vandalism includes, but is not limited to:

  • Actions that cause damage to University or personal property (or activities that foreseeably could have caused damage, disturbance, or distress)
  • Public urination/defecation/vomiting
  • Tampering with door or window locks 
  • Tearing, burning, or removal of posters or bulletin board displays
  • Removal or destruction of peepholes
  • Water fights
  • Any other damage to University or personal property

Students witnessing any act of vandalism and/or who may know the identity of the responsible person(s) should notify an OCL staff member. OCL reserves the right to assess charges to residents collectively or individually for any vandalism to the buildings, grounds, or furnishings.


The following is a list of weapons prohibited in UAA's residential community. This list includes, but is not limited to:

  • Ammunition
  • BB guns
  • Bows and/or arrows
  • Brass knuckles
  • CO2 or compressed air weapons
  • Nunchucks
  • Potato cannons or guns
  • Sling shots
  • Spears
  • Sporting or hunting knives in excess of 5 inches (excluding fish fillet knives)
  • Swords
  • Taser/stun guns
  • Any other device that could reasonably be determined as dangerous to an individual or the facility

A resident may store a legal weapon in a locked vehicle. Storing a weapon elsewhere in a residential community building is prohibited. 

Wildlife and Vegetation

Do not pet, feed, or approach any animals for any reason (this includes the numerous rabbits found on campus property as well as larger animals found in the community). Residents are not permitted to cut down trees or disturb the ecosystem on campus. Please alert an OCL staff member if you see a large animal in the residence hall courtyard. 



Any information presented to an OCL staff member related to the violation of University policy and/or the threat of or harm to oneself or others will likely be shared with other University entities. Depending on the nature of the report, the Valdez Police Department, the Office of Equity & Compliance/Title IX, the Providence Valdez Counseling Center, and/or the Dean of Students Office may be contacted.

Discriminatory or Inflammatory Language and Materials

Residents are to refrain from using discriminatory or inflammatory language, including, but not limited to, online, telephone, verbal, non-verbal, or written communications that cause harm or incite distress. Items visible from the outside of a campus building such as flags, banners, or signs that may be offensive to members of the PWSC community are prohibited.

Failure to Comply

Residents must comply with any lawful order or reasonable request (written or verbal) of a clearly identifiable University official acting in the performance of their duties in the enforcement of University policy. University officials include, but are not limited to, OCL professional or student staff, or Dean of Students staff.

Furnishing False Information

Residents must disclose, to the best of their knowledge, full and truthful information to University officials. Residents shall not withhold information or present false information with the intent to deceive, including but not limited to, names, dates and times, location or number of residents or guests, date of birth, location, consumption, or possession of illegal, prohibited, or controlled substances, or Student ID numbers, telephone numbers, addresses, or emergency contacts. 


Gambling and sponsoring raffles or pools in or adjacent to residential communities is prohibited.


Residents may host a guest(s) according to the following policies:

  • You are responsible for accompanying your guest(s) at all times. It is your responsibility as a resident to ensure your guest(s) follow(s) all University regulations. 
  • OCL staff members may ask any guest to leave PWSC’s residential community.
  • Each resident may have no more than 3 guests at one time.
  • When requested by University officials, all residence hall guests must present a valid form of identification (government- issued) listing their date of birth, a photo ID, and card identification number.
  • The rights of the resident supersede the rights of the guest. Overnight guests are permitted only if all residents of the apartment have been informed and have given their consent.
  • An individual is defined as an overnight guest if they are present in a building as a guest any time after 1:00 a.m.
  • Guests may stay no longer than three consecutive nights in the residential apartments. Regardless of the number of residents who host them, a guest may not stay longer than eight nights in a 30-day period in the PWSC residential community.
  • Students found abusing the guest policy are subject to disciplinary action, which may result in loss of guest privileges.

Inciting or Participating in a Fight or Riot

Residents shall not incite or participate in a physical fight or riot. Fighting is defined as, but not limited to, inciting a fight through physical, online, telephone, verbal, non-verbal, or written communications; fighting through biting, scratching, hitting, striking, slapping, kicking, throwing or shooting an object; contacting or attempting to contact any other person with the intent to harm. 

Interference with University Officials

Interfering with University officials in the performance of their duties or preventing or attempting to prevent staff from conducting their administrative or disciplinary responsibilities is prohibited.

Joint Responsibility

If a student is present in their own or any other residence hall room or area where university policies are being violated, they are subject to the same disciplinary action as a resident of that room. In some situations, this may also include violations that occur within an adjoining room in a suite, regardless of whether or not the student is present in the room in which the violation(s) occurred.

Missing On-Campus Residents

As required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, OCL has established policy and procedures for reports of missing on-campus residential students. A student shall be deemed missing when the student is absent from the University for more than 24 hours without any known reason. You should report missing students by filing a missing person report with UPD.

Residents 18 years or older: residents are requested to identify a confidential contact to be notified no later than 24 hours after the time the resident is determined to be missing. Students register the confidential contact information upon check-in to housing.

Residents younger than 18 years old: University personnel will notify the resident's custodial parent or guardian no later than 24 hours after the time the resident is determined to be missing. Students provide parent/guardian contact information upon check-in to housing.

In conjunction with the Valdez Police Department, OCL will gather information about the missing person and reason for the report from the individual reporting the missing person and/or witnesses and roommates. University personnel (UPD and OCL) will use any or all resources to assist in locating the student. The designated missing persons contact will be notified within 24 hours after the student is determined missing.

Noise/Quiet Hours

Creating excessive noise which is disruptive to other students both inside and outside of residential buildings is prohibited. Noise may be deemed disruptive if it can be heard through a closed door and/or two doors down. Students must respond courteously to requests to reduce noise and to respectfully approach others with requests for noise reduction.

Quiet hours are from:

  • 10:00 pm - 8:00 am Sunday through Thursday
  • 12:00 am - 10:00 am Friday and Saturday
  • Courtesy hours are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • 24-hour quiet hours go into effect during final exam periods

Use of amplified instruments in residential community rooms or common spaces is prohibited. Placement of sound equipment or speakers in windows and common areas of the residential community without the express permission of OCL professional staff is prohibited. Residents may receive a warning but violations of these policies may be addressed through the Student Code of Conduct process. 

Roommate Conflicts

Residents are expected to resolve conflicts amongst themselves to the best of their abilities. Residents may get assistance from OCL staff for mediating conflict. When conflicts are unable to be resolved amicably, all residents involved in the conflict may be required to relocate to new living spaces.

Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus Policy

The entirety of residential campus and its facilities are subject to the University of Alaska Smoke & Tobacco Free Campus Policy. Please refer to this website for the entire policy: smoke-free campus policies.


Residents shall not take or possess another's property without permission of the owner. This includes, but is not limited to, property of a roommate, resident, any other individual, company, or the University.

Violation of University Policy and Government Law

Residents must follow all University policies, municipal ordinances, and state and federal laws.