As a community campus, PWSC supports a fleet of computers and peripherals at our Valdez, Glennallen, and Cordova locations. IDT Services endeavors to provide computing technology and other services responsive to the needs of our academic community in Prince William Sound.

General Information

The PWSC IT Helpdesk provides technical support for all users and devices engaged in PWSC academic pursuits and business operations. In the modern technological landscape this support commonly includes phone, computers, and tablet devices running the Windows, Mac, and Android operating systems. We are happy to help you navigate and troubleshoot these systems for all of your PWSC-related needs. 

Our connection to the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) offers additional levels of IT support through its Technical Service Center and Desktop Services departments. 


PWSC/UAA Managed Computers and Peripherals

PWSC currently manages a fleet of Dell and Apple computers, each shipped with a UAA-built image and operating on at least Windows 10/Mojave. The IDT staff is available to provide hardware support and minor repairs. All major repairs can be escalated to IT Services at University of Alaska Anchorage.

The IDT department maintains a detailed hardware inventory list with embedded planned replacement cycle. Please consult IDT staff if your department is seeking to request a workstation upgrade or purchase any additional machines or peripheral devices.

All UA computers attached to the PWSC network will receive necessary software and operating system updates automatically. As a courtesy, please remember to completely shut down your workstation at least once per week. This act can give your computer a 'fresh start' by shutting down unnecessary programs running in the background, discarding file fragments, discontinuing memory hogs, reboot driver crashes, and run scheduled updates.


 Enrolled students have free access to the PWSC student computer lab (GHB 165).

Hours of operation are Monday - Friday 8am-5pm, unless otherwise posted.

The lab currently contains 14 Dell All-In-One desktops.All computer lab desktops have internet access and common software applications used for word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation. Additional software applications can be installed upon request for specific course requirements. Most desktops feature a dual-monitor setup.



Office Printers: Departments may request a permanent office printer, or obtain access to an existing on-campus printer . Contact the PWSC IDT staff for additional information or to request assistance.

Banner Printers: Some personnel can enable an office printer as a banner printer to be able to run reports. Though this service is adminstered through the UA Office of Information Technology in Fairbanks, please contact your PWSC IDT team to initiate the request.

Troubleshooting: Printers are notorious for having questionable reliability. If your printer is having any issues, please contact the IDT team. We will diagnose and repair the issue as soon as possible.


Computer Lab: Students have access to printing services in the Computer Lab (GHB 168). Students must log in to a computer lab desktop to obtain printing access.


Personal Computers

Prince William Sound College recognizes that the use of personal computers on campus is essential to achieving success academically and professionally.

PWSC provides open WIFI access that will allow the user community to access the PWC-WiFi (secured) and/or PWS Guest (unsecured) networks. The secured PWSC network allows access to networked printers and licensed software.

The IDT staff is available to assist students and guests with WiFi access on personal comptuers. However, please keep in mind that our hardware repair support extends only to PWSC-owned computers.