Blackboard Learning Management System

Blackboard Learn is the learning management system used to deliver course content for online, hybrid and face-to-face courses for the University of Alaska system. Blackboard can be accessed through the portal, using your UA SSO log in credentials.

The PWSC IDT team offers a variety of resources to learn how to teach effectively using Blackboard. Select from: Blackboard tutorials with step by step instructions, videos, and printable guides; Blackboard Workshops that are taught face to face on various topics; and Blackboard FAQs that are a quick answer to commonly asked questions.


Find answers to the most common questions asked by faculty about Blackboard. For more specific information about the setup and management of your Blackboard course, scroll down further to access Tutorials or contact the IDT team for personal support.

  • How do I access my Blackboard Course(s)?
    Navigate to and log in with your UA SSO credentials.
  • When will I see my courses in Blackboard?

     Course and instructor information will be loaded into Blackboard when Registration begins for the semester. This will continue every day until the semester starts. Students will not begin to be enrolled into the course until shortly before the courses starts.


    If you do not see your course(s) in Blackboard, please confirm the following information is correct in Banner:

    • the course exists in Banner for the term in question
    • you are listed as the instructor in Banner


    NOTE: Courses for the next term are initially created as Unavailable in Blackboard. This prevents students from seeing your course until you make it Available.

  • How do I hide past courses?

     Your My Courses module in UAF Blackboard features a new function that lets you choose which courses and announcements appear in the My Blackboard tab. Click the Pencil icon in the top-right corner of the module to change your display options.


  • How do I add a file, such as a syllabus?

    Access your Blackboard course and complete the following steps to add a file.

    1. Select the content area where you would like to add the file from your course menu.
    2. Click Build Content.
    3. Click File.
    4. Type a name for your file.
    5. Click Browse My Computer to locate the file on your computer or Browse Content Collection to locate file in your Blackboard Content Collection.
    6. Locate and attach file.
    7. Select your file options. You may select for your file to open in a new window if you wish.
    8. Select Yes to permit users to view the content.
    9. Select Yes if you would like to track number of views.
    10. Select Date Restrictions if necessary.
    11. Click Submit.
  • How do I send a message to students on Blackboard?
    1. Select your Messages menu item.
    2. Select Create Message.
    3. Select the To Button to add recipients.
    4. Select the student(s) names you want to send messages to and click the arrow to send the names to Recipients.
    5. Type your Subject and Message.
    6. Click Submit.
  • What should I do at the start of each semester to prepare my Blackboard course?
     Each semester you should:
    • Prepare and upload your syllabus to Blackboard
    • Prepare and upload the course material to Blackboard
    • Add/update assignments/quizzes/tests
    • Ensure all links, videos, and multimedia content function correctly
    • Ensure all availability dates and due dates fall within the appropriate semester
    • Review the Grade Center and delete unnecessary columns
    • Send an email to your students welcoming them and instruction them on how to begin
  • How can I copy another instructor's or a previous semester's Blackboard course for a new semester?
  • Why can't my students access their course?

    Even though your new courses have been created, students will only see courses in Blackboard when the instructor makes them available for viewing. This ensures the instructor has time to prepare the course materials before students are admitted.

    Students registered for that course will not see it in Blackboard until the instructor changes the course status to Available.

    To make a course available for student viewing:



Tutorials (Coming Soon!)


  1. Access Courses
  2. Upload a Syllabus
  3. View Course Roster/Users
  4. Choose Tools
  5. Customize Left Menu
  6. Make a Course Available/Unavailable
  1. Access Grade Center
  2. Add a New Column
  3. Hide/Show a Column
  4. Edit Columns
  5. Rename Columns
  6. Create Calculated and Total Columns
  7. Create a Weighted Column
  8. Work Offline
  1. Create a Test
  2. Add Questions to a Test
  3. Create a Question Set of Randomized Questions
  4. Add an Image to a Test Question
  5. Set Question Point Values
  6. View and Grade Tests
  7. Clear a Student Test Attempt
  1. Create an Assignment
  2. Access Assignment for Grading
  3. Edit Assignments
  4. Delete Assignment
  5. Download Student Assignments
  1. Create an Announcement
  2. Send a Blackboard Message
  3. Send an Email
  4. Create a Discussion Forum
  5. Reply to Discussion Posting
  6. Grade Discussion Postings
  1. Create a Group
  2. Create Group Assignments
  3. Grade Group Assignments
  1. Check files and media for accessibility with Ally



The PWSC IDT team offers training and Open Labs on Blackboard course shell design, set up, and delivery for all faculty members. Upcoming workshop dates are listed below as they become available. Videos of previously held workshops will be uploaded to this space, as well.  Please check back regularly for training opportunities.