Fall 2021 Mandatory Student Fee Changes

We need your input

Prince William Sound College is simplifying how mandatory student fees are assessed beginning with the fall 2021 semester.  

Four separate mandatory fees are being replaced by a single $20.00 per credit fee that will be assessed starting when a student registers for one credit. The new fee will appear on a student’s account as PWSC Consolidated Fee and it will apply to all students, in all PWSC courses, regardless of the delivery mode or location.

Because of this change, beginning fall 2021, students will no longer be charged a separate $35 per course fee for distance courses, $5 per credit fee technology fee, $5 per credit student activity fee, or the $5 per semester student government fee. In addition, beginning Fall 2020, students will no longer pay an admissions fee of $40 or a graduation fee of $25.  

Consolidated Fee Features

The PWSC Consolidated Fee of $20 per credit will include eLearning, Technology, and Student Activities (student government, student activities, and access to the Health and Fitness Center). The Health and Fitness Center is a comprehensive fitness facility with equipment, group fitness classes, and personal training. Regardless of delivery mode or location, all PWSC students are eligible to participate in student government.

PWSC Fee Structure

$20 per credit regardless of delivery method and capped at 12 credits. 
For example:

  • Student A who is taking 1 credit will be charged $20
  • Student B who is taking 12 credits will be charged $240
  • Student C who is taking 15 credits will be charged $240

The UA Facilities Fee and the UA Network Charge will continue being assessed as separate fees. These fees are directed by the University of Alaska administration often referred to as UA statewide.

UA Facilities Fee: Supports facility renovation and infrastructure renewal. Revenue remains at the campus from which the fee is collected. The $6 per credit paid by PWSC students registered in one or more credits, regardless of delivery mode, supports PWSC.

UA Network Charge: This university system-wide fee covers rapidly rising costs of the university-wide infrastructure. The network charge helps offset part of the cost for maintaining and enhancing the system network that connects all UA campuses to each other and to the Lower 48 and allows for Internet and research network access.

Half of the fee goes to the UA statewide for the operation of common networks and half remains at PWSC to address local campus network and student access needs. The network charge will be applied on a course-by-course basis on tuition and fees in lieu of tuition for credit and noncredit courses. Courses with applicable fees in lieu of tuition less than the lower division credit hour tuition rate will be exempt from the charge. All calculated fees will be rounded to the nearest dollar. The minimum network charge per course will be $3.  

UA Network Charge Assessment:

Course Level:

  • Undergraduate lower division (course number 050-299):$9 per credit
  • Undergraduate upper division (course numbers 300-499): $21 per credit
  • Graduate: $21 per credit

Course Fees

Course fees vary by course and are shown on the UAOnline detailed class information pages.

  • Lab Fees: These additional charges cover the costs of lab supplies. Refer to the specific class listing on UAOnline for more information on lab and material fees. These fees are not refundable unless the class is dropped during the 100 percent refund period.
  • Materials Fees: These fees help cover costs of class materials typically including materials consumed or used in the teaching process, tools, software, manuals, equipment, protective gear or special clothing retained by students enrolled in the class.
  • Special Course Fees: These fees are assessed to pay for expenses like travel, equipment, insurance, additional personnel required to maintain safety or meet standards, background checks, or other items essential to student success in the course.

Late Payment Fees

A $125 fee will be assessed on all accounts which are not paid by the payment deadline. An additional $175 fee will be assessed later in the semester on all accounts still outstanding. Students who pay for or drop their courses prior to the published payment deadline will not be assessed the fee. 


Refund policies including petition for refund information can be found in the UAA Catalog.

There are no waivers, including no senior citizen waivers, for the mandatory student fees. 

Student fees are not refundable unless the student drops their course(s) during the 100 percent refund period. See the PWSC Academic Calendar webpage for dates and deadlines.

Student Comment Period

We need your input! Email PWSC Student Services (pwsc.student.services@alaska.edu) your comments, questions, and suggestions on the new PWSC Consolidated Fee Structure. The student comment period is open January 27 – February 14.

Thank you for your input. Your voice matters!