Alaska Tech Learners
Alaska Tech Learners is a project funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF’s goal is to increase the quantity and quality of K-12 courses in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. This project provides both high school teachers and students with coursework within the software engineering field of e-commerce.
The plan for this project is to first provide instruction to high school teachers, who then facilitate dual-enrollment courses for students at their school through a shared teaching model based in local instruction combined with grading of assignments and support by PWSC computing faculty. Expenses required to complete the courses (tuition, fees, and course materials) for teachers and students are paid for through the NSF grant. The project also uses two summer camps (one for teachers, the other for students) as a means to build connections between teachers, students, and PWSC faculty. Participants will complete one course during the one-week camp. These camp experiences are also paid for by the NSF grant (tuition, fees, materials, housing, food, and some travel reimbursement).
For any questions regarding the Alaska Tech Learners program contact:
Steve Johnson: 907-834-1633 or