Admissions - PWSC

  • Attend Prince William Sound College

    At Prince Williams Sound College (PWSC) students benefit from a close-knit learning community with a high level of faculty and staff support. With no out-of-state tuition, anyone can pursue a highly affordable education in one of Alaska's most spectacular settings.

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PWSC Admissions

Prince William Sound College is a community campus of the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), and shares the UAA mission of providing open access to higher education for all students.

Applying for admission is your first step in becoming a college student, and the admission office at Prince William Sound College is here to help. Contact us for assistance with application requirements, Alaska residency, Advanced Placements credits, postponing your degree or changing your major. 

Cross-Campus Enrollment

If you are pursuing a degree program offered by the University of Alaska (UAA) Anchorage campus or another UA campus, you do not need to reapply to a Prince William Sound College degree program to attend classes at Prince William Sound College. Students admitted to other UA campuses are welcome to enroll in classes at Prince William Sound College.

Directions on how to apply

How to apply

  • Admission Policy and Deadlines

    Application Deadlines


    You must apply for admission by the semester’s ADD/DROP deadline which is at the end of the second week of each semester.

    The UAA Catalog outlines policies regarding admission requirements and student rights and responsibilities in the admission process. Please follow this link to review the General Admission Policies and Information section before applying.

    If you are a degree-seeking student we strongly recommend applying several months before the start of the semester you plan to start college. Applying early allows sufficient time for processing, placement testing, and advising before registration and helps ensure a successful start to college life.


  • Admission Types and Fees

    Anyone who wants to take classes must first be admitted. When applying for admission, we ask you to choose an application type based on your educational objectives and academic goals. For example, you can:

    Choose an undergraduate degree-seeking application if you are taking classes to earn a degree, certificate or occupational endorsement certificate. Degree-seeking students may be eligible for financial aid. There is no application fee.

    Choose a non-degree-seeking application if you are taking classes for the purpose of personal or professional enhancement and do not want to pursue a certificate or degree. Non-degree-seeking students are not eligible for financial aid. There is no application fee.

    Choose an PWSC secondary school student application if you are attending 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade and are planning to take classes with us while continuing high school or you are a Tech Prep student enrolling for concurrent credit. There is no application fee.


  • International Students
  • Program of Study
    You will also need to choose a program of study (major). Review detailed information on the degree programs, certificates, and occupational endorsements offered at Prince William Sound College under Areas of Study – Degree Programs.
  •  Transcripts Required

    After applying for a degree or certificate-seeking admission, you will need to submit the required transcripts as follows:

    Freshmen applicants (still in high school or have earned less than 24 college credits):

    • High school (or GED) transcript*
    • College transcripts from all regionally-accredited institutions attended, other than University of Alaska campuses (we can access those for you).

    Transfer applicants (have earned 24 or more college-level credits):

    • College transcripts from all regionally-accredited institutions attended, other than University of Alaska campuses (we can access those for you).

    *If you have not graduated yet, submit an in-progress transcript for earlier acceptance. After graduation, submit a final transcript with a graduation date to complete your admission process.

    Transcripts must be official and mailed to the following address from the issuing institution:

    Prince William Sound College
    Attn: Student Affairs
    P.O. Box 97
    Valdez, AK 99686

    Official transcripts may also be submitted to PWSC in an unopened envelope sealed by the issuing institution, or through a secure electronic system using a secure site. Official secure electronic documents may be emailed to Faxed transcripts and test scores are not acceptable for admission purposes.


Learn More About Attending PWSC

Notice of AvailabilityAnnual Security and Fire Safety Report

  • Notice of Availability: Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
    The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available online at:  The report contains information regarding campus safety and security including topics such as: campus law enforcement authority; crime reporting policies; campus alerts (Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications); fire safety policies and procedures; programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking; the procedures the University will follow when one of these crimes is reported; and other matters of importance related to security on campus. The report also contains information about crime statistics for the three most recent calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in On-Campus Student Housing Facilities; in Noncampus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University or a recognized student organization; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus.  The report also contains fire statistics for any fires occurring in an On-Campus Student Housing Facility during the three most recent calendar years.  If you would like to receive a paper copy of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, you can stop by the UAA Police Department Office at Room 114 of Eugene Short Hall on the Anchorage campus or request a copy be mailed to you by calling 907-786-1120 or emailing  You may also stop by the UAA Dean of Students Office in Room 122 of Rasmuson Hall on the Anchorage campus or request a copy be mailed to you by calling 907-786-1214 or emailing